TSP (The Still Place) Day
WHEN: Monday at 11am
WHERE: On The Still Place Property
WHAT: Hike the property, eat lunch, and do art with the family
WHY: Help families become comfortable with their surroundings and introduce to the staff and volunteers
HOW: Volunteers will...
WHERE: On The Still Place Property
WHAT: Hike the property, eat lunch, and do art with the family
WHY: Help families become comfortable with their surroundings and introduce to the staff and volunteers
HOW: Volunteers will...
- carry the excursion backpack (includes items to keep everyone safe)
- encourage insect repellent and sunscreen use (in backpack)
- make sure the hikers drink plenty of water (have water in the backpack)
- watch children one-on-one AT ALL TIMES
- One (1) volunteer will be assigned lunch. Follow food safety guidelines.
- Listen, smile, respect all family members, play, and be a friend